Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party
- Re-legalise and regulate Cannabis for personal, medical and industrial use.
- Allow for health education, home growing, and regulated sales through registered outlets which will separate Cannabis from the criminality of the black-market and end consequent associated corruption.
- Allow medical use, utilising Cannabis’ painkilling, relaxing, anti nausea and healing properties.
- Establish a commercial hemp industry producing fuel, fibre, paper, textiles, food, oil and other environmentally sound products.
- Release all those imprisoned for Cannabis alone and the removal of all records of previous criminal Cannabis convictions.
The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party is recognising the increasing and broader Cannabis concerned citizens of Australia who would like to express their concerns in the next federal election.
The HEMP Party is runs a clear and simple single issue campaign which logically and positively impacts on other important issues like Health Care, Patient Expectations, Nutrition, Policing, Budgets and any number of positive outcomes being experienced in other jurisdictions in the world where Cannabis law reforms have been enacted.
The time has now come for all Australian Cannabis consumers (medical, industrial, adults and their families) to recognise the HEMP Party as the true representatives of Cannabis law reform in the next federal election.
Fact Pile
With the facts now piling up that decades of successive federal governments and the recent number of other Parties taking far too long to sort out an outdated and spectacularly flawed prohibition on Cannabis, an ever increasing number of Australians have recognised the HEMP Party must be heard in Canberra to ensure genuine representation and experience is at the forefront, to guide and advise accurate policies are developed and implemented.
With or without HEMP Senators in parliament, our attention will always be completely dedicated to overseeing Australian Governments, the opposition and other minor parties to ensure Cannabis law reforms are always adequately discussed, dealt with and implemented in a much more timely manner than has been demonstrated in the past.
Meaningful Regime
The HEMP Party position on MEDICAL CANNABIS will ensure that Australian voices will be clearly heard at every government and international level when it comes to this issue.
HEMP will step up as the buck-passing continues and make sure the federal government adopts an imperative approach which brings the States and Territories together to develop a meaningful Cannabis regime that will appropriately address the needs and concerns of an increasingly significant number of Australians currently using Cannabis everyday for medical purposes.
HEMP will ensure significant changes are implemented rather than maintaining policies that continue to support the outdated and crumbling International Drug Treaties on Cannabis.
HEMP has a plan to set milestones which include immediate steps that should be adopted by the next Federal Government in the FIRST 100 DAYS and FIRST YEAR after the election.
The HEMP Party position on the emerging Australian hemp food, fuel and fibre industries seeks to actively encourage fast-track research and development that will assist these burgeoning industries to be competitive with the rest of the world.
It must be understood that as a result of successive LNP and Labor governments, Australia was reluctantly the last country in the world to lift its ban on the human consumption of hemp seed food in November 2017.
The HEMP Party position on adult use of Cannabis relies on fact driven arguments that are being experienced in jurisdictions around the world where Cannabis law reforms have proven beneficial in many expected and unexpected ways.
HEMP will help re-calibrate the entire Australian Cannabis debate by introducing and highlighting the important and positive consequences of regulating Cannabis being experienced in The Netherlands, American States, Canada etc.
There’s no more room for politicians with Reefer Madness ideology or incompetent media who continue to support or parrot failed Prohibitionist arguments.
Better Health, Better Nutrition, Better Policing and Better Budgets will make a Better Australia for everybody.